Bouquet " 3F"
Bouquet " 3F"
Embark on a journey of tranquility with the 3F Bouquet, a harmonious blend that unites the rustic allure of Dry Flowers, the exotic charm of Anthuriums, and the festive elegance of Ilex. This bouquet, aptly named for its Tranquil Trio, is a visual symphony where each element converges to create an arrangement that whispers tales of simplicity, exotic beauty, and the timeless allure of nature's bounty.
Flowers used: Dry flowers, Anthuriums, Ilex
Do you do same day delivery?
We provide same day delivery at an extra charge within Dubai. Cut off time for the same day delivery is 3 pm.
Do you deliver to other emirates?
We deliver to all of the Emirates.
*For Umm Al Quwain and Al Ain we need to have a pre-order 2 days in advance.
Do you have a physical shop ?
No, we are an online store only for the time being, but we have a pick up and drop off location in Nadd al Hamar
Do your bouquets look exactly like on the photo?
Our bouqets cannot be recreated exactly in the way that you see them in the catalogue as all of them handmade and no flower is identical. However we do our best to make them as similar as possible.